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Thursday, January 12, 2012

Nacho Visit

22.12. Arrival, Lunch with Max at Thai Pepper, Shopping in TST, Tailor suits for Nacho, Dinner at Wetmarket, Tun Po Restauraunt, Erdinger Weissbier in bowls, 'special' chinese food, the butcher right in front of us killing frogs, fearless prawns trying to escape; we love the place although we discover it is the wrong one, Tun Po Restaurant is at the corner next to the bathroom; ICC's 118th floor is a must, also to have a look at Lan Kwai Fong's nightlife.
23.12. While Max is working we discover beautiful Lian Nian Nunnery in Diamond Hill, harmony, peace, freedom, perfect Garden to relax for a short time; Lunch with Max at Maxim's City Plaza, famous Dim Sum Place, adventurous, sightseeing in Central, visiting the Peak; no more chinese food for today, turkish cuisine rocks!
24.12. Off to Lamma Island, sunshine, beach, hiking, seafood restaurant, at night joining the new trend 'Private Kitchen' in a normal house, a young team of cooks create a great dinner, other people are joining as well, Christmas with strangers, very interesting experience. Merry Christmas.

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